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File locations

Where are files stored?

The setup installs the application by default in the following path: %ProgramFiles%\NETworkManager

You can run the archive and portable version from anywhere (e.g. USB stick, network share, etc.).

Profiles, settings and themes are stored in the following folders:

File(s)Setup or ArchivPortable

It is recommended to backup the above files on a regular basis.


Use a cloud service like OneDrive or Nextcloud to sync the above folders with multiple devices or to use them as a backup.

In addition, some files and settings, as well as the cache, are stored in the following locations:

File(s)Setup, Archiv and Portable
Local settings%LocalAppData%\NETworkManager\NETworkManager_Url_<RANDOM_STRING>\*
PowerShell profilesHKCU:\Console\<PATH_OF_CONSOLE>
PuTTY log%LocalAppData%\NETworkManager\PuTTY_Log\*
PuTTY profileHKCU:\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\NETworkManager
WebConsole cache%LocalAppData%\NETworkManager\WebConsole_Cache\*